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Quick Links to popular courses:
Learn faster and easier with a zoom live online
Learn the essentials over 2 days for only £295
Join the live class via Zoom. Your friendly trainer will take you through Adobe Photoshop from scratch, in easy steps, explaining everything along the way.
You will watch what the trainer does as they will share their screen with you and then you will have a chance to try it on your own computer.
If you have any questions you can share your screen with the trainer who will be able to help you. (See the video at the bottom of this page.)
Scroll down to see a full list of what you will be able to do.
A computer with the Adobe software installed, a microphone (and cam if you want us to see you) and a web connection.
Our next classes for level 1 are:
15-16 January 2025
12-13 March
9-10 April
14-15 May
11-12 June
9-10 July
A level 2 course is available for those who have done the first course or have knowledge of Photoshop.
Dates as follows:
19-20 March 2025
21-22 May
16-17 July
Email Ally for further dates if you can’t make these.
Just click here to see our customised courses.
£295 per person for the 2 day classroom course. There is no VAT to pay.
(£275 for individuals or charities / CICs – email Ally to book).
Level 1 is for people who are new to Photoshop and it covers all the basics inc. how to edit, retouch and manipulate photos for web or print.
Level 2 is for people who have done Level 1 or have some Photoshop knowledge. Look at the course outlines below. Ally will be happy to help you decide.
We try to keep the max class size to 8 but most classes are much smaller.
Yes you will get a pdf document of notes sent to you as well as a shortcuts cheat sheet.
Yes you will get a digital one on email after the course.
3 months unlimited support – If you have any problems after the course just contact us and we’ll help you to fix them.
Red Rocket Studio really know their stuff and I learnt a huge amount in 2 days. Their teaching style is also sensitive with just the right amount of humour. Being self-taught on Adobe CC I was apprehensive about undergoing any training with not knowing at exactly what level I was. I need not have worried as they quickly assessed my abilities and instantly adjusted their teaching accordingly. I would highly recommend them to anyone wanting to progress in Adobe CC and can’t wait for my next course with them.
Benslow Music – Vicky Carlton
Our friendly Certified trainers understand your needs and teach you accordingly