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Zoom 2 day classroom course

Choose a classroom course in InDesign, Photoshop or Illustrator to learn the basics of the software over 2 days for only £247.

 (Usual price £445 – saving £198)

1 to 1 training icon  What will I get out of the training course?

  • Valuable skills for your CV
  • Learn the basics of your chosen software
  • Learn to create your own documents from scratch
  • Save time and money by doing it yourself
  • Enhanced value to your employer


  How does it work?

Your friendly trainer will take you through the software from scratch, in easy steps, explaining everything along the way.

You will watch what the trainer does as he/she will share their screen with you and then you will have a chance to try it on your own machine.


If you have any questions you can share your screen with the trainer who will be able to help you.

looking at zoom lockdown

Group training icon  How big are the classes?

We try to keep the max class size to 8 but most classes are much smaller.


  Do I get notes?

Yes you will get a pdf document of notes sent to you as well as a shortcuts cheat sheet.


  Do I get a certificate?

Yes you will get one in the post after the course.

1 to 1 training icon  Are the trainers certified?

All our trainers are Adobe Certified Instructors.


  What equipment do I need?

A computer with the Adobe software installed, A microphone (and cam if you want us to see you) and a web connection.


  How much does it cost?

£247 per person. There is no vat to pay.